What Causes Pimple on Breast? Is It Breast Cancer?

Breast Acne
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We all know that feeling when you return home from a tiring day and finally take off that irritating bra. But wait, what is this red spot on the breast? Is it a pimple or something more serious? Is a pimple on breast really a thing?

We know many questions may come to mind, and you will likely search for these answers online. This is why we decided to put together this blog and help you learn everything about breast acne and how it is different from breast cancer.

Understanding Breast Acne

Understanding Breast Acne

Pimples, whether on the face or breast, can be irritating and bothersome. Acne can appear anywhere on the body; it knows no age or gender. All it needs is pores.

Acne and breakouts are usually the result of clogged pores. They can be either blocked due to dirt, sebum, or bacteria living on the skin. Breast acne can be of different types depending on its root cause. It can appear as

  • Blackheads (open comedones): clogged hair follicles or pores that appear as black dots.
  • Whiteheads (closed comedones): clogged pores that appear as white spots or bumps.
  • Pustules: yellow or white colored pus-filled lesions.
  • Papules: inflamed bump on the skin without pus.
  • Cysts: severe inflamed acne breakouts
  • Nodules: Painful acne lesions that develop under the skin.

Some other common symptoms that you may notice if you have chest acne are 

  • Small red bumps
  • Bumps filled with pus
  • Redness around breakouts

A pimple in the breast area may not be as visible to others as those on your face, but it can still be irritating. The best thing about pimples is that they are treatable and can be managed successfully at home.

Is It Normal to Get a Pimple on Your Breast?

If you think that you are the only one experiencing this skin condition, then you are wrong. The truth is breast acne is very common. It affects around 15% of the population worldwide. However, teenagers and women are more prone to developing it because of overactive sebaceous glands and hormonal changes. 

What Causes Breast Acne?

What Causes Breast Acne?

The skin on your breast is similar to the skin on the rest of your body. So if you are experiencing breakouts anywhere else, you can also experience zits on boobs. Pimples develop when your skin’s sebaceous glands start producing excess sebum. 

When it reaches the skin, this extra sebum mixes with dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria and blocks your pores, leading to those iconic bumps. However, there are other factors that trigger the oil production on the skin and aid in the development of breakouts on the breasts. 


Genetics plays a crucial role in this. Acne and pimples can run in families. If your parents or anyone in the family has a history of acne, you are most likely to experience it. This is mostly when you inherit the genes from your parents that cause overactive sebaceous glands in the body. 

Hormonal Changes

This is the most common cause of pimples on breasts. Even though hormonal changes can cause acne at any stage of life, teenagers and pregnant women are more prone to experience it.

This is why most women experience pimples either before or during menstruation. Hormonal changes in the body trigger the sebaceous glands to start producing more sebum, leading to a large breakout or merely a small red pimple on the breast.


Even though it is difficult to understand the connection between stress and acne, it still does exist. Many people notice that their pimples become worse when they are under constant stress. 

This is because stress and anxiety can trigger the production of certain proteins in our body known as cytokines. These can cause inflammation around the sebaceous glands, signaling them to start producing more sebum. 


If you are experiencing a pimple-like bump on your breast that won’t go away, then there are chances these breakouts are caused by any medication you are using. Medications that contain corticosteroids, barbiturates, androgenic steroids, and iodides can lead to acne. 

Acne caused by medication usually disappears once you stop using the medicine. 


What you are eating may not be directly causing those tiny pimples on breasts, but it can make them worse. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are chances that high-glycemic foods like white bread, fries, donuts, and fast food can increase your blood sugar, leading to higher inflammation and overactive sebaceous glands in the body. 


Sweating is the body’s way of keeping itself cool when it gets hot from climate or exercise. You may have experienced excess sweating on or between your breasts during the hot days or when you are exercising.

Sweating provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, especially if you leave the sweat to dry naturally. The bacteria and sweat can easily clog your pores, causing those annoying pimples. 

Tight Clothes 

That slim-fit crop top may look great on you, but do you know it can also cause red pimples on your breasts? Yes, we are not saying don’t wear it at all. Wear it occasionally and wear loose, breathable clothes more.

Tight-fitting clothes and irritating fabrics can irritate the skin and make acne worse. There is even a special name for this condition – “Acne Mechanica.” This is usually caused by sweat and friction caused by the clothing. 

Skincare Products

Skin products and makeup can lead to pimples. Some common ingredients in these products that can clog your pores are 

  • Sulfates
  • Paraben
  • Oxybenzone
  • Fragrances
  • Lanolin

Oil-based formulas are the most common culprits for acne on skin. So, if you are looking for a moisturizing cream for breasts, choose one that is water-based and free from the ingredients mentioned above. 

Pimple on Breast Pictures

Pimple on Breast Pictures

The pimples on breast usually appear as red or white bumps on the skin. They may feel soft and tender to the touch. And can be itchy and painful at times, especially when you wear tight clothing.

Why Does My Breast Have Pimples?

Why Does My Breast Have Pimples?

If you are experiencing bumps on your breast then there are chances it might be something other than just acne. There are certain skin conditions and factors that can cause red dots on breast that look similar to pimples. 

Here are a few of the most common causes.


Folliculitis is a skin issue that is caused when the hair follicles are infected by fungus, leading to blocked and inflamed follicles. It can cause either one or several small bumps on the breast that look just like a lump or pimple on the breast. 

If you are wondering why our breasts don’t have hair, why will folliculitis affect them? The truth is the breasts do have hair and hair follicles even though they are difficult to notice. So if that zit is not going away after using acne cleanser and medication, then consult a dermatologist.


Eczema is a common chronic inflammatory skin condition that can cause a pimple on breast nipples. Even though these are not actually pimples. Red bumps caused by an eczema rash are often confused with acne, and people start treating them accordingly. 

If you are wondering if eczema on nipple is a thing, yes it is. If you have small bumps on your nipple or breast due to eczema, then the best way to soothe the symptoms is to clean the skin with an eczema cleanser and keep the skin moisturized with an eczema cream at all times.

Fungal Acne

Fungal acne is often confused with hormonal acne but the truth is both conditions are different and need different treatments. This condition also goes by the names of pityrosporum folliculitis and Malassezia folliculitis. 

It is caused by an overgrowth of Malassezia yeast on the skin which then infects the hair follicles and leads to small bumps and pimples appearing on the skin.  These bumps usually appear in clusters and are of the same size and shape. 

Fungal acne can be easily managed by keeping the skin clean with a fungal acne cleanser that contains pyrithione zinc as an active ingredient and using antifungal medication in severe cases.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infection under breast and on it–is very common. It is caused by a fungus called Candida. This yeast is naturally present on the skin, overproduction of this yeast can lead to candidiasis or small round bumps on the breasts and nipples.

Yeast infection on the breast can be easily treated with over-the-counter medications, anti-fungal creams, and ointments.  

Bug Bites

That red spot on the breast that looks like a pimple might be caused by a bug bite. Mosquitos and fleas are the most common culprits. The main difference between a bug bite and a pimple is the itchy skin. 

If the itching is intense and you can not control the urge to scratch them, that bump is most probably caused by a bug bite. The bumps caused by bites can be very painful and swollen and will usually disappear after a few hours or days.

Can Pimples on Breast Be a Sign of Cancer?

Many people, when they see some changes or notice a cystic pimple on breast, think it is because of breast cancer. This is why we thought it was important to mention that most of the time, pimples are not caused by cancer.  

Breast cancer can cause irritation, dimpling of skin, and red rashes on the breast. Two of the most common types of breast cancer that cause these symptoms are 

  1. Inflammatory Breast Cancer: this type of cancer is very uncommon. Only around 2 to 4% of women experience it. However, it can cause redness, bumps on your boobs, rash-like spots, and itching on the breasts.
  2. Paget’s Disease: this is also a less common type of cancer, but it can appear as brown or red spots around the nipple. 

Knowing the difference between the red spots caused by breast cancer and pimples is important to get the right treatment on time. 

Difference Between Breast Cancer and Pimple

Breast cancer spots usually look like a lump and can cause other symptoms such as dimpled skin, rashes, dryness, and discoloration. The red spots caused by cancer are usually persistent and do not get better with time.

However, the little bumps caused by breast acne resolve with time or at least start getting better. 

Breast Cancer Breast Acne
Location It only appears in the breast tissues and underarms. If you have pimples on your breasts, you might also experience them anywhere else on your body at the same time. 
Appearance Cancer can cause rashes and skin dimpling and lead to changes in breast size, shape, or color. On the other hand, acne only appears as white or red bumps, pimples, pustules, and papules. 
Persistence  The bumps caused by cancer are persistent and very rarely disappear with time. Acne bumps start getting better with time and can disappear after some time without treatment. 
Other Symptoms It can also cause blood discharge from the nipples. Inflammation, redness, and slight pain are usually associated symptoms with acne.

How to Get Rid of Pimples on the Breast?

How to Get Rid of Pimples on the Breast?

If you are wondering what to do to get rid of breast acne. Then, the answer is everything that you would do if you had facial acne. Yes, pimples on breasts can be treated the same way. All you have to do is take care of your skin and follow a few simple steps to get that blemish-free skin.

  1. Acne Skincare Routine

Your skincare routine must include the following two steps.


Make sure that you regularly cleanse your breasts by taking a bath daily. It will help remove excess dirt, sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. This will help reduce the symptoms and prevent new acne from developing. 

Use a gentle daily shampoo and body wash to cleanse your skin free from paraben, sulfate, fragrance, and phthalates so it does not irritate your skin and worsen the condition.


Our skin goes through a continuous process of cell turnover, which means dead skin cells fall off, and new ones take their place. But sometimes, these dead skin cells accumulate on the skin and clog pores.

So you must exfoliate your skin at least once weekly. Always use a mild exfoliator instead of harsh chemical ones. 

  1. Using the Right Products

The products you use on your skin play an important role in developing and managing different skin conditions, such as eczema, contact dermatitis, and acne. Try using a non-comedogenic body wash containing salicylic acid as an active ingredient to cleanse your breasts. 

The moisturizing cream you use to hydrate your skin and breasts should also be non-comedogenic, water-based instead of oil-based, fragrance-free, paraben-free, and sulfate-free. 

  1. Wear Loose and Breathable Clothes

To keep breast acne at bay, try wearing loose-fitting clothes as much as possible to avoid sweating and friction. If you are already experiencing pimples on your breasts, then wear clothes made from light, breathable material like cotton. 

  1. Keep Your Body Hydrated

Hydration is essential for not only treating dry skin but can also help reduce acne. The science behind this is drinking more water means flushing out more toxins from the body, that might be making your condition worse. 

So make sure that you drink plenty of water daily to have healthy, clear skin. 

  1. Follow Good Habits

Making a few lifestyle changes can help make you and your skin healthy. Even though not much research has been done that claims eating healthy foods can prevent acne. 

However, it has been seen that eating low-glycemic foods can help reduce and manage existing acne and prevent it from getting worse. 

Also, always take a shower after you sweat, whether from exercise or just generally, because the bacteria left on your skin will only worsen your condition.

  1. Change Your Laundry Detergent 

If you use a laundry detergent that contains harsh chemicals, your skin might get irritated and break out. Switch to a gentle, fragrance-free detergent to wash your clothes and almost any other fabric material you use in your house. 

Also, make sure that you keep your bed sheets and pillowcases clean. Dust and bacteria can accumulate on them and get to your body while you are sleeping. 

  1. Medical Treatment

If your acne and pimples persist even after you take proper care of your skin, consult a dermatologist. They may prescribe medications specially made to eliminate acne. 

These can be in the form of creams, gels, and even oral medications.

Antibiotics: oral pills such as doxycycline, minocycline, clindamycin, and tetracycline are prescribed usually for their anti-inflammatory effects and sometimes for their antibacterial activity.

Salicylic Acid: These are OTC prescription formulas in the form of gel and creams that fight bacteria and treat plugged pores. 

Benzoyl Peroxide: these are creams and gels which have antibacterial effects, reduce skin inflammation, and make skin peel preventing clogging of pores. Can be used together with prescription oral antibiotics. 

Retinoids: They increase cell turnover, reduce inflammation in the skin and enhance cell turnover.

Isotretinoin: this oral medication is used for severe forms of acne. It does what benzoyl peroxide and retinoids do but is stronger. It also treats the acne symptoms by controlling the activity of sebaceous glands. 

Hormonal Therapy: If your acne is caused by hormonal changes, a birth control pill or patch may be prescribed to treat it.

Things Not to Do if You Have Breast Acne

Now that you know how to treat pimples on the breast it is crucial that you should also know what you should not do to prevent acne from getting worse. Here is the list of things.

  • Don’t touch your pimples again and again.
  • Do not scrub or over-exfoliate your skin.
  • Don’t rub your skin with a towel to remove the sweat.
  • Don’t switch your acne treatment very often. 
  • If using OTC acne medications and are prescribed something, mention what you are on to your doctor
  • Avoid using any skincare products or makeup that could make your acne worse.
  • Do not pick on or squeeze the pimple.

When Should You Worry and Consult a Doctor?

Acne is not very dangerous, but can be emotionally taxing, and it usually gets better with a good skin care regimen and treatment from a physicain. However, if you experience any of the following, it is best to consult a doctor. There are chances that a bump on breast like pimple, may not be just acne but a serious condition like cancer or infection.

  • The bumps are persistent and do not get better with time.
  • The acne medication and skincare products are doing no good to the pimples.
  • Bumps are very painful and hard to touch.
  • You have a lump in the breast or underarm.
  • Skin sores that are not healing.
  • Nipple pulling inward
  • Nipple discharging blood.

It is always a good idea to consult a doctor for peace of mind and to get the right treatment on time, especially if you are experiencing any serious medical issues. The doctor will be able to accurately diagnose your condition and provide you with the best treatment plan.

Key Takeaways

  • A pimple on breast is normal and can appear just like it does anywhere else on the body.
  • Pimples and acne are usually caused by hormonal changes, stress, diet, eating, medications, and genetics.
  • Some common conditions that can cause pimple-like bumps on the breast are eczema, yeast infection, bug bites, fungal acne and skin cancer.
  • Pimples are usually not signs of skin cancer; however, if you are unsure about anything, consult a dermatologist.
  • Breast acne can be easily treated and managed with the help of cleansing, proper hygiene, hydration, stress management, eating a balanced diet, and choosing the right products for your skin. 


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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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Are pimples on breast normal?

Yes, breast acne is as normal as it is on any other part of the body. The factors causing pimples on your breasts are usually the same as those that cause acne on your face, neck, arms, and legs.

How long do breast pimples last?

How long a breast pimple will last depends on its root cause. For example, if it's caused due to the use of certain medication. It will immediately start getting better once you stop using that medication.
Acne on the breast usually lasts a few days or weeks in most cases, while in severe cases, it can last for months.

Why am I getting pimples on my boobs?

There are many things that might be causing pimple on your boobs, such as
Overproduction of sebum
Clogged pores
Hormonal imbalance
Skincare products.
However, pimples on the chest or boobs can be managed with OTC medications and prescription treatment.

Is a pimple on my breast something I should be worried about?

A pimple on the breast is usually not serious; it's just acne. However, if you are experiencing severe pain and notice a few changes in your breasts, like dimpling of the skin, nipples turning inward, lumps on the breast, or a change in the color and shape of the breasts, then consult a doctor. These can be caused by skin cancer.

Does a breast cancer lump look like a pimple?

Many people confuse a pimple with a breast cancer lump. According to HealthCentral, the cancer lump is not pinpointed like a pimple. The symptoms associated with each condition are quite different and can help you distinguish them.
With acne, you will experience redness, inflammation, papules, pustules, nodules, whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts.
But with cancer, you will have changes in the shape, skin, and color of your breasts, inverted nipples, lymph nodes, and pain in the breast.

Can a tight bra cause acne?

Although a tight bra can not directly cause acne on the breasts, it can cause friction, sweating, and a lack of airflow that can lead to clogged pores, which will ultimately result in breakouts. So make sure you don’t frequently wear a bra that is too tight.

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