Scalp Health

  • Dr. Eddie Valenzuela
  • July 19, 2023

Scalp Health – A reflection of what we eat?

Table Contents The Food we eat and its affect on scalp health The Food we eat and its affect on scalp health There is a saying: “you are what you eat.” This saying has been distilled from French to German to English, and has had numerous meaning ....

  • Dr. Eddie Valenzuela
  • July 19, 2023

Should A Scalp be Detoxed?

Table Contents Scalp Detox: Fact vs. Fiction How to REALLY get a Healthy Scalp The Best Way to Wash Your Hair for Maximum Scalp Health The face has always enjoyed center stage in the quest to present one’s healthiest appearance to the world. But ....

  • Dr. Eddie Valenzuela
  • July 19, 2023

What does a healthy scalp look like?

Table Contents Don’t neglect your scalp! Scalp Warning Signs What Causes an Unhealthy Scalp? Treating Unhealthy Scalps A healthy scalp is free of flakes and does not discharge flakes when the hair is brushed.  A healthy scalp is also ....

  • Dr. Eddie Valenzuela
  • July 19, 2023

Your scalps microbiome and hair health

Table Contents Over-Washing Hair Harsh Products Excessive Antibiotics Balance Your Microbiome The human body is covered in microorganisms, 100 trillion of them to be exact. While the idea of archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, and viruses living on your ....

  • Dr. Eddie Valenzuela
  • July 19, 2023

Why Is Scalp Health Important?

Table Contents An Unhealthy Scalp Can Prevent Hair Growth Unhealthy Scalps are Itchy and Dry Unhealthy Scalps Mean Unhealthy Hair An Unhealthy Scalp Can Cause Unsightly and Embarrassing Flakes How to Keep Your Scalp Healthy Though it’s easy to ....

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