How to Get Rid of Dandruff on Eyebrows?

Your eyebrows are tiny strips of hair surrounded by a sea of clear skin. They represent less than .02% of your total body surface area. If they were any smaller, they’d cease to exist. In no way could they pose a threat to dandruff. And yet, that merciless force attacks them anyway.

Can You Get Dandruff on Your Eyebrows?

Yes! Dandruff doesn’t care that the eyebrows are just a tiny archipelago stretched out beyond the shaggy mainland, occupied by a few lonely mites, defenseless save for a well-positioned pair of eyeglasses. Eyebrows are hair, and as such, they can fall prey to dandruff the same as your scalp.

If your eyebrows are shedding whitish to yellowish flakes, it’s likely dandruff taking up a strategic position on your face. 

Symptoms of Dandruff on Eyebrows

Those white, yellowish flakes are the classic symptoms of dandruff we all know. However, there are other symptoms that can help you identify if you are experiencing dandruff on your eyebrows.

  • Mild itching
  • Redness
  • Inflammation
  • Flaky skin
  • Dry skin
  • Rashes 
  • Crusty scales (cradle cap in babies)

Why Do I Have Eyebrow Dandruff?

If you are wondering why you have dandruff on your eyebrows, here is a list of the most common causes:

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by Malassezia yeast which is present on our skin. For reasons stemming from hormonal changes or genetics, or other causes, the sebaceous glands on our skin start producing excess sebum.

When the sebum comes in contact with yeast it creates a byproduct that irritates the skin and causes inflammation. This can lead to itching, scaling, and flaking on the eyebrows. The flaking caused by seborrheic dermatitis is usually oily and yellow-colored.

When babies are experiencing this condition it is called Cradle Cap. There are chances if you have seborrheic dermatitis on eyebrows you may also have it on other parts of the body rich in oil producing glands.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is when the skin becomes irritated and inflamed as a reaction to certain irritants or allergens. This can also cause redness, flaking, and itching on the skin. Harsh chemicals in shampoo, face creams, face wash, and makeup are the common culprits of contact dermatitis on eyebrows.

Contact dermatitis causes flakes that are similar to dandruff flakes, however, it is often accompanied by redness and itchy rashes.

Dry Skin

Dry dandruff is usually caused by dry skin. When the skin is unable to retain enough moisture in the skin it becomes dry. Common triggers of dry skin on face are extreme weather conditions, dry air, and UV rays. 

When the skin becomes dry it may flake off. This flaking is often considered as dandruff. 


Eczema is a common skin condition that disrupts the skin’s natural barrier. Because of this condition, the skin is unable to retain moisture and protect it against outside irritants. It can also cause inflammation, irritation, and rashes on the skin.

The eczema rash can cause symptoms similar to dandruff. People with eczema are more likely to develop dandruff on the scalp and eyebrows.


Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder that triggers the skin to start producing new cells at a much faster rate than normal. Because of this, the old dead cells are unable to fall off causing flaking and scaly patches on the skin just like dandruff flakes. 

Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body even on the scalp as scalp psoriasis.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff on Eyebrows?

You can treat dandruff on eyebrows in much the same way you’d treat it on your scalp, with a few alterations. Because anything you apply to your face is applied to your eyebrows, the choices you make regarding facial cleansers, face creams, and cosmetics can all make a difference.

Use a Dandruff Shampoo (Face Wash)

Your best line of defense against eyebrow dandruff is to cleanse the skin with a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. An anti-dandruff shampoo that doubles as a body wash and face wash will be most suitable to use.

Your eyebrows are on your face, and standard shampoo goes on your head (ask your kindergarten teacher for more information). Most of these OTC anti-dandruff shampoos at the local drugstore or superstore contain foaming agents called sulfates (like SLS and SLES) which can further worsen the condition.

So look for a shampoo that is free from harsh chemicals and is gentle on the skin. Read on to find what to look for in a dandruff shampoo for use on your eyebrows.

Wash Your Face Frequently

You should wash your face twice a day, morning and night, with an additional cleansing if you do some sweat-inducing exercises. This regimen will help cleanse away excess yeast and dead skin cells, as well as dirt and oil.

However, when it comes to facial cleansing, you can have too much of a good thing. Washing your face too frequently, more than the recommended amount, can dry out your skin and cause the very problem you’re trying to avoid.

Try a Gentle Exfoliation

Removing dead skin cells before they can cause problems is also a helpful strategy. Avoid harsh physical or chemical exfoliants, instead choose a gentle exfoliator for sensitive skin or use a washcloth. You can also use a cradle cap brush to remove the excess flakes from the eyebrows.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

If you are experiencing dandruff because of dry skin or eczema it is important to keep the skin moisturized. Especially in the cold weather and dry air (air low in humidity). 

  • Moisturize the skin at least twice daily. 
  • Moisturize every time after washing your face.
  • Use a moisturizer that is free from fragrances, dyes, and ingredients that may further irritate your skin. Instead, choose the one with natural ingredients.

Treat the Underlying Cause

If your dandruff is caused by an underlying condition like contact dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis then it is important to first treat the skin condition. 

  • If your dandruff is caused by contact dermatitis look for the irritant or product that is irritating your skin and discontinue its use. 
  • For eczema, it is best to keep your skin moisturized with an eczema cream as much as possible to soothe the itching, irritation, and dryness. 
  • For psoriasis consult a doctor they may prescribe corticosteroids, retinoids, and calcineurin inhibitors.

Home Remedies

There are several home remedies mentioned on the internet such as the use of 

  • Tea tree oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Apple cider vinegar

However, we do not endorse the use of these natural remedies as every skin is different and may react differently. There are chances these remedies may do more harm than good to your skin.

Preventing Dandruff on the Eyebrows

Dandruff can be easily managed with the right dandruff shampoo but here are a few more things that you can do to prevent dandruff flare-ups.

  • Keep the skin moisturized.
  • Use sunscreen while going out in the sun.
  • Don’t pick or scratch the flakes and scales.
  • Reduce stress with yoga, exercise, dance, or deep breathing.
  • Choose skincare products that are gentle and free from harsh chemicals.

The Right Dandruff Shampoo

The best dandruff shampoo for your eyebrows is the one that is hypoallergenic and free of harmful chemicals like

  • Fragrances
  • Dyes
  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Phthalates 

Choose one that is safe to use on children of any age and also strong enough for adults. A shampoo and body wash that is just as effective at treating dandruff in the hair as it is on the face, and equally safe.

Products like Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy Medicated Shampoo and Body Wash is a great option. Its active ingredient, pyrithione zinc, has been proven safe and highly effective through decades of use in anti-dandruff formulations. 


Dandruff on eyebrows is more common than you think. It can be caused by seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap), dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis. Eyebrow dandruff causes small white or yellow flakes to appear on the eyebrows, accompanied by redness, itching, and inflammation. Dandruff may sound like an embarrassing and irritating skin condition however it is very easy to manage it.

You can easily get rid of dandruff on your eyebrows by using a dandruff shampoo that also works as a face wash to reduce flaking. Your eyebrows might be small, but good things come in small packages. Try imagining your face without them. Freaky, right? So show them the love they deserve. 


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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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Is it normal to have dandruff on your eyebrows?

Yes, it is normal to have dandruff on the eyebrows. The dandruff on the eyebrows is usually due to seborrheic dermatitis. It is caused by Malassezia yeast, so it can form anywhere on the body, whether it's the scalp or the eyebrows.

Can eyebrow dandruff cause hair loss?

Dandruff on the eyebrows itself does not cause hair loss. However, excessive scratching and picking can loosen the hair follicles and cause them to fall off.

Can I use anti-dandruff shampoo on my eyebrows?

You can use a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo containing pyrite zinc to manage dandruff on the eyebrows. Happy Cappy Medicated Shampoo is a great option, as it is formulated to manage flaking and scaling associated with dandruff, cradle cap, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Is coconut oil good for flaky eyebrows?

Coconut oil is a good idea to moisturize the dry, flaky skin. But the truth is coconut oil provides an environment that increases the growth of Malassezia yeast. This can cause seborrheic dermatitis and worsen the condition if you already have dandruff on the eyebrows.

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