Why Are My Legs Really Itchy? 11 Common Causes

Why Are My Legs Really Itchy? 11 Common Causes

Let’s just say it. Itching is the worst. Itching is something we all know and hate, and we can all commiserate knowing how irritating and distressing it can be. Itching has no boundaries; it can affect anyone, anytime, anywhere. Just like anywhere else on your body, itching on the legs has various causes.

Some of these cause mild itching, while others may lead to extreme itchiness on legs at night that keeps you awake counting sheep all night. So, if you are also one of those searching for the answer to “why are my legs really itchy?” Then you have come to the right place. 

Understanding Itching

Itching, also known as pruritus, leads to an irritating sensation that gives you an extreme urge to scratch. Sometimes it is just a minor itch that lasts about a few seconds while other times, it can be a chronic itch that stays with you for a lifetime. 

Itching on legs can be divided into four main types of itch. 


This causes a feeling of itchiness in the legs due to psychological issues. 


In this, the nerves are not damaged, but the brain and nerves signal the itching. 


This is a chronic itch due to nerve damage. Mostly, the nerves that sense the itch are damaged. 


This leads to the sensation of itching in the skin itself rather than the nerves. 

No matter what type of itch you are experiencing, the first thing most want to do is to get rid of it. However, to soothe your itching, you must know what is causing the itch in the first place. 

What Causes Your Legs to Itch?

What Causes Your Legs to Itch?

If you are wondering why are my legs so itchy all the time? Then we have got your answer. 

There are various causes of itchy skin on legs, some of which can be easily managed by keeping the skin moisturized with a hypoallergenic moisturizer, while other causes may be serious or chronic conditions that require a different treatment modality. 

These are some of the most common reasons why your legs are always itchy. 

1. Dry Skin

Dry skin, or, in medical terms, xerosis, is caused by a lack of moisture or enough natural oils in the skin. It is also one of the most common causes of itchy legs and irritated skin. It can also cause other symptoms along with the itch, such as:

  • Skin tightening
  • Rough skin
  • Skin flaking
  • Redness on lighter skin tones
  • Gray or ashy skin on darker skin tones
  • Cracks in the skin.

There are countless factors that can trigger the itch. However, some of the most common ones are extreme weather conditions, dehydration, excessive washing, and using products with harsh chemicals.


But the good thing is that intense itching on the legs caused by dry skin can be easily managed by keeping the skin moisturized. Use a gentle moisturizer for dry skin to moisturize the skin at least twice daily–or more than that if required. And don’t forget to use the cream after taking a bath. 

2. Allergic Reaction

The second most common reason for excessive itching on legs is an allergic reaction. When the skin comes in contact with a certain thing that may not be harmful to you. Your immune system considers it harmful and triggers a reaction to protect the skin.

This reaction can lead to intense itching, red rashes, and irritation on the skin. In severe cases, it can also cause the appearance of small bumps that may ooze. Some of the most common triggers are:

  • Nickel
  • Fragrances
  • Chemicals in skincare products
  • Latex
  • Poison ivy and oak
  • Laundry detergents
  • Pollen
  • Pet dander
  • Cigarette smoke


The best way to get rid of itching caused by allergic reactions is to figure out your trigger and try avoiding it as much as possible. You can also consult a doctor and use over-the-counter anti-itch creams to soothe the itching. 

3. Diabetes

People who have diabetes are more prone to experiencing dry and itchy skin, especially on the legs. Researchers believe that high blood sugar can damage the nerves in the legs over time which can cause intense itching of legs and feet. 

Sometimes, the poor circulation of blood in the nerves due to diabetes or kidney disease can also lead to an itch. This type of itch is classified as neuropathic itch. Eruptive xanthomatosis is another condition associated with diabetes that can lead to itchy, small bumps appearing on the legs, elbows, and knees. 


In order to soothe the itching associated with diabetes it is important that you control your blood sugar levels, keep the skin moisturized, and use mild soap and body wash to take a bath. 

4. Insect Bites

Who hasn’t experienced mosquito bites? Never found yourself standing on an ant pile–lucky you! The most common symptoms associated with bug or insect bites are itching, irritation, and rashes. 

Ants, bed bugs, mites, and mosquitos are the most common ones to cause terrible itching on legs. Sometimes this itching gets better after a few hours or days while other times it may take days and weeks to get better. 


A few things that you must do to prevent bug bites are to keep your legs covered and use an insect repellant (preferably with DEET as the active ingredient) while going out. To soothe the itching you can use a cold compress or an OTC hydrocortisone cream. 

5. Certain Medications

For some people, taking certain medications can also lead to intense itching on legs. Some of these common medications are:

  • Antimalarials
  • Hydroxyethyl starch
  • Blood pressure drugs
  • Aspirin
  • Anticancer drugs
  • Penicillin-based antibiotics
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Sulfa drugs


If you are experiencing itchy legs along with other symptoms of allergies such as rash, bumps on the skin, redness, and swelling on body parts then immediately consult a doctor. They may ask you to discontinue the use of that medication to relieve the itching. 

6. Nerve Damage

When due to any injury or medical condition the neurons in the central or peripheral nervous system get damaged it can lead to chronic itching on the legs or other parts of the body. It can also cause other symptoms along with the itch such as:

  • Burning
  • Prickling
  • Coldness
  • Electric-like shocks


Antihistamines usually do not help with this itch, however strong sedating antihistamines may be prescribed by the doctor to help you sleep at night. Some may prescribe gabapentin, antidepressants, topical steroid creams, and topical anesthetics to soothe the itching. 

7. Skin Conditions

Some skin conditions can cause dry, irritated, itchy skin on legs. Some of the most common ones are:


Eczema also known as atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition that causes intense dry and itchy skin along with redness and sometimes small bumps on the skin. Eczema can manifest its symptoms on any part of the body.

However, there are some types of eczema that are known to cause chronic itching on legs, like varicose eczema, asteatotic eczema, and contact dermatitis.

The best way to soothe the itching associated with eczema is to wash the skin with a shampoo for eczema at least once daily. And keep your skin moisturized throughout the day with an eczema moisturizer


Psoriasis is an auto-immune disorder that can cause white or silvery scales and plaques to appear on the skin. Itching and inflammation are two other common symptoms of this condition. 

It can cause itchy legs especially on and around the knees. Even though there is no permanent cure for psoriasis you can consult a doctor who may prescribe OTC medications to soothe the itching. Frequent use of a moisturizer can also help. 


Folliculitis also known as Malassezia folliculitis is caused when a certain type of yeast that is naturally present on our skin, Malassezia yeast infects the hair follicles. It can cause small pimple-like bumps to appear on the skin, along with redness and itching. 

This condition is also known as fungal acne in general and it can cause itchy calves and legs. 

There are many blogs dedicated to fungal acne. Many people find fungal acne is soothed using an anti-dandruff shampoo, face and body wash. If not improving consult a doctor The doctor may prescribe the use of anti-fungal creams or other medications to relieve the symptoms. 

8. Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions can lead to extreme itching on legs, such as:

  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Hepatitis C
  • Thyroid disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Hand, foot, and mouth disease
  • Skin cancer
  • HIV

Sometimes even the medications used to treat these conditions can also cause itchy skin and legs. The itching associated with these conditions may get better once the medical condition is treated properly. 

However, some of these conditions may take very long or sometimes are incurable so the doctor may prescribe antihistamines or other over-the-counter medications to temporarily soothe the itching. 

9. Nutrient Deficiency

A mineral or vitamin deficiency in your body can also lead to itchy legs and skin. These nutrients are essential to keep the skin healthy. When the body is unable to get enough vitamin A, D, B12, zinc, or iron it can lead to mild itching on the skin.

If you suspect that a certain nutrient deficiency is causing your itch, consult a doctor and they may test your vitamin and mineral levels to diagnose your conditions. To soothe the itching they may prescribe you to keep your skin moisturized and use certain multivitamins to cover the deficiency. 

10. Swimmer’s Itch

As the name itself suggests. Swimming in a pool, especially in public pools can also make your legs extremely itchy. The chlorine in the pool water or the sunshine can trigger your itch. 

Rinsing in fresh water after taking a dip in the pool and quickly applying a hypoallergenic moisturising cream may help prevent the itch. If still itching, some doctors may suggest  OTC antihistamines and anti-itch creams. 

11. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is never the same for everyone. For some, it is the hardest time of their life while for others it’s a glowing journey of joy. Those who had it difficult may have also experienced severe itching on legs and other parts of the body. 

Some of the various reasons that may lead to itching and irritation during pregnancy are skin stretching, hormonal changes in the body,  and skin conditions like Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy (PUPPP) and Prurigo gestationis. 

The itching associated with pregnancy can be soothed by keeping the skin moisturized with a moisturizing cream that is free from any harsh chemicals or by using an anti-itch cream prescribed by the doctor. 

How to Stop Legs From Itching?

How to Stop Legs From Itching?

The treatment for itchy legs mostly depends upon its cause. If a certain skin condition causes it, then treating the condition itself can help reduce the itch. If itching is caused by something you are doing wrong, such as not moisturizing your skin or using skincare products with harsh chemicals, then avoiding the triggers can help soothe the condition.

However, some things that you can do to generally soothe the itch are:

Keeping the Skin Clean

One thing that you should do regularly to prevent itchy skin is to keep it clean. Cleaning the skin will help get rid of bacteria and viruses that can penetrate the skin and make your itching worse. 

  • Use lukewarm water instead of hot water to wet your skin.
  • Then, apply a gentle cleanser for itchy, dry skin and rub it all over your body with your hands.
  • Using a sponge or Loofah to scrub the body wash can also make the itching worse, so avoid using them.
  • Use a non-soap body wash instead of soap with harsh chemicals while taking a bath. 
  • Thoroughly rinse your skin without leaving any product residue behind.
  • Then, gently pat dry your skin instead of rubbing it.

Moisturizing it

Sometimes, the itching is only caused by a lack of moisture in the skin or because of dry skin. For those times, this tip can work wonders and soothe your itching. 

  • Use a fragrance-free moisturizing cream to moisturize your skin at least twice daily to prevent dryness.
  • Always remember to moisturize your legs after taking a bath while your skin is still a little damp. 
  • If you are experiencing dry, itching skin on legs because of eczema, then use an eczema cream to moisturize the skin and soothe the symptoms.  

Avoiding the Triggers

If your itchy legs are a result of an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis, then avoiding the triggers is essential. The more you come in contact with the allergens, the worse your condition will get. 

If the chemicals in the skincare products are causing your itch, then switch to products that are free from fragrances, alcohol, sulfates, and parabens. If cold, dry air is what is making you itch, then you can use a humidifier to keep the air inside your home and office moist. 

Sometimes, pinpointing the triggers can be difficult because there are so many things that might be causing the itch. However, you can consult a doctor. They will be able to help you rule out your triggers properly.

Don’t Scratch

We know that it can be very difficult to resist the scratch. However, scratching the itch will only make the condition worse. So please try and avoid scratching your skin. It will trigger a never-ending itch-scratch cycle.

Excessive scratching can damage your skin and make it more prone to developing skin infection, eczema, skin scarring, and other complications.

Home Remedies

Many people try to relieve their itch with things they have on their hands. From applying aloe vera gel to using coconut oil to moisturize the skin. Some of these work while others don’t.

It is also important to remember that every skin type is different and will react differently to these remedies. For some people, they help relieve the itch, while for others, they can cause allergic reactions. 

A cold compress is also often used to soothe the intense itching; however, it can only help relieve the itching for some time and can not treat the root cause. 

Over-The-Counter Treatment

If you are experiencing excessive itchy legs that are not getting better with self-care, then the doctor will prescribe the use of OTC medications to relieve the itch. These may include the use of:

  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Benadryl for nighttime itch
  • Pramoxine
  • Antihistamines
  • Zyrtec

These medications should only be used as advised by the doctor for best results. 

Preventing Itchy Legs

Preventing Itchy Legs

Sometimes, you can prevent itchy legs by making a few lifestyle changes and taking some precautions. We have listed down a few things that you can do to prevent the itch-scratch cycle on your legs. 

  • If the itching is caused by a certain allergen, then avoid it. 
  • If you are one of those who often wonder why are my legs really itchy after I shave? Then, it might be because you are doing it wrong. Proper shaving techniques and using the right shaver can help you prevent the itch. 
  • Wash your clothes with fragrance-free detergent to avoid skin reactions.
  • Do not use expired skincare products.
  • Keep your body hydrated on the inside by drinking plenty of water and on the outside with the help of a moisturizer for itchy skin. 
  • Cover your legs or use sunscreen to protect them from direct sunlight. 
  • Use an insect repellent when spending time outdoors. 


To relieve your itchy legs, it is important that you first know what is causing the itch. Sometimes, itching is caused by simple things such as a reaction to skincare products or dry skin that can be managed at home.

Other times, it might be caused by certain medical or skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, that require proper treatment plans, instituted by a physician, to relieve the itching. 

If your legs are dry and itchy because of eczema, then the best way to soothe them is to regularly clean your legs with an eczema shampoo and body wash and moisturize your skin with a moisturizing cream for eczema at least twice daily. 


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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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What causes extreme itching in the legs?

There are various reasons that can cause itching in the legs. Some most common reasons are dry skin, eczema, contact dermatitis, diabetes, taking certain medications, and insect bites.
While some less common causes are nerve damage, kidney disease, and vein disease.

What vitamin deficiency causes itchy legs?

A deficiency or excess of vitamin B12 and vitamin A in the body can cause itchy skin and legs. To check if vitamin deficiency or toxicity is the cause of itch, you can get your vitamin levels tested.

Will an itch go away if you don’t scratch it?

No, relieving itching sometimes may need proper care, attention, or medications. If you don’t scratch your itch, it may not help relieve it, however, it can prevent your condition from getting worse.

How to stop itching legs at night?

The best way to relieve the intense itching at night and to sleep peacefully is to moisturize your skin with a hypoallergenic moisturizing cream before going to bed. If your itching is severe then consult a doctor they may prescribe the use of antihistamines, or OTC anti-itch creams to be used at night.

Does itchy legs mean a liver problem?

Itchy legs and skin can sometimes be a symptom of liver disease. However, there can be some other reasons behind the itch as well such as dry skin and reaction to skincare products or medications. So, the best way to diagnose the cause of your itchy legs is to consult a doctor.


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