Can Tattoos and Eczema Co-Exist?

Can Tattoos and Eczema Co-exist?

If you are wondering, Can People with Eczema Get Tattoos? The answer is Yes: tattoos and eczema can co-exist. However, you have to take extra good care of your skin because people with eczema-prone skin run the risk of inciting a flare-up by getting a tattoo, as well as aggravating symptoms such as itchiness and redness. 

Two ways to limit your risk are to use tattoo ink designed for sensitive skin and get a tattoo in an area where you rarely or never have flare-ups. If you are prone to eczema flare-ups, it is recommended that you consult first with your dermatologist before getting a tattoo.

Potential Side Effects of Getting Tattoos With Eczema

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition, meaning it heightens the skin’s immune response to irritants. From the colored ink that gets injected into the skin, to the needle, cleaning agents, and even the tattoo artist’s gloves, getting a tattoo is one big irritant party. That’s why the biggest potential side-effect of getting a tattoo with eczema is inciting a flare-up.

This is the reason people often experience allergic contact dermatitis either immediately or weeks and months after getting a tattoo. 

There is also an increased risk of infection and the possibility that a current or future flare-up could change how the tattoo looks. There are other, less common side effects, such as:

Remember, everyone’s skin is a bit different. Some people who get tattoos with eczema might experience all of these side effects, while others might experience none at all. It’s best to consult your doctor to assess your risk factors.

How to Safely Get a Tattoo With Eczema

It is possible to safely get a tattoo with eczema with proper research and preparation. Here are some tips:

  • Find a Trustworthy Shop and Artist: Going to a reputable, professional, clean tattoo shop and artist is crucial. The best option is an artist who has experience tattooing those with eczema. Do your research and read reviews.
  • Look for Sensitive-Skin Tattoo Ink:  There are many different kinds of tattoo ink, all with varying ingredients. Research which type would be best for sensitive skin. Once you find a good option, do a patch test to assess your risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Avoid Frequent Flare-Up Spots: It’s best to get your tattoo in an area of your body that doesn’t get any or many flare-ups.
  • Reschedule to Avoid Flare-Ups: You do not want to get your tattoo during a flare-up, so reschedule your appointment if necessary.

How Do You Choose a Tattoo Artist if You Have Eczema?

Going to the right tattoo artist is crucial, especially for people with eczema. They have to be extra careful with almost everything. One little wrong decision can make them end up with an eczema flare-up that hurts a lot.

If they get a tattoo during a flare-up, there is also an increased risk of skin infection. Let’s take a look at the things you should consider while choosing your artist:

  • Review their portfolio and online reviews.
  • Make sure that the tattoo artist is licensed.
  • Ensure the artist uses tattoo ink for sensitive skin, latex-free gloves, hypoallergenic cleanser, and moisturizer
  • The artist has tattooed people with eczema before.
  • Discuss directly with the artist about your choices, your previous eczema condition, and the body parts that you mostly experience flare-ups at.

After considering these things, you should consult your doctor. They will help you determine the best time for getting a tattoo.

Can Tattoos Cause Eczema?

If you have never had eczema, there are very few chances that getting a tattoo can cause eczema. However, allergic contact dermatitis can be caused if your skin is sensitive and reacts toward the tattoo ink or any other thing while getting a tattoo. 

For people who have been dealing with severe eczema flare-ups in the past, the risk of getting a flare-up from a tattoo is very high. 

Can You Tattoo Over Eczema Scar?

Yes! It is possible to get tattoos over eczema scars. It has helped people feel good and confident about their skin. However, there are a few things that you need to consider before getting one. 

  • Your scar is fully healed or around two years old before you get a tattoo.
  • How sensitive is your skin? Is the scar numb, or do you still feel pain over it?
  • Is your skin thick enough to be tattooed?
  • What type of tattoo are you getting? Is it a detailed one or just a basic one?
  • Your tattoo artist is experienced in dealing with tattooing over scars.

If you are unsure whether getting a tattoo over eczema scars would be safe for you or not, then consult a doctor or dermatologist to avoid any future complications. 

Taking Care of Tattooed Skin

Now that you have your favorite tattoo, it’s time to take care of your skin and help it heal faster. But what can you do to make it heal better and faster? Here are a few things you should do:

  • Cleanse your tattoo with a hypoallergenic cleanser. For the first two weeks, you may need to use a sponge to clean it, as it is advised to avoid submerging a new tattoo in water. 
  • Moisturize your skin 1 to 2 times daily with a moisturizing cream for eczema.
  • The tattoo may feel itchy at times, but don’t scratch it; instead, gently pat it.
  • Wash your hands before touching your tattoo.
  • Don’t let your pet touch or lick the tattoo. It can cause skin infections.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoid going out in direct sunlight, and cover your tattoo when it’s important to go out.
  • Avoid taking any medication that will cause blood thinning, such as aspirin.
  • Be patient. It takes time for tattoo wounds to heal, as they are created by damaging two layers of skin. 
  • If you are experiencing an eczema flare-up after getting a tattoo, immediately consult a dermatologist.

How to Treat Eczema on Tattoo?

If you are experiencing an eczema flare-up after getting a tattoo, then it’s important not only to help your skin heal faster but also to soothe the eczema symptoms with the right treatment plan. 

Don’t Scratch

We know how itchy it can be. First, that tattoo wound was causing the itch, and now this eczema. However, never scratch it, no matter what happens or how severe your itchy skin is. 

Scratching the skin will only exacerbate the condition and make things worse. It will also allow germs and bacteria on the skin that can lead to severe skin infections.

Keep the Skin Clean

Cleanse your skin at least once daily with an eczema shampoo and body wash. Ensure that the cleanser or body wash you use is free from any skin-irritating chemicals such as fragrance, paraben, sulfate, and phthalates. 

Choose a cleanser with natural soothing ingredients to help soothe the itching, irritation, and redness associated with eczema.

Moisturize Twice a Day

Dry skin is irritated skin, especially when it’s been recently tattooed. Keep the area moisturized by applying an eczema cream like Happy Cappy Moisturizing Cream. It is made with natural ingredients like licorice root extract that help soothe the skin. 

It also contains petrolatum and glycerin that moisturize and nourish your skin by creating a protective skin barrier. 

If your condition is not getting better, then consult a dermatologist, who may prescribe the use of topical medications and hydrocortisone creams and ointments along with this eczema skincare routine.


Having eczema does not mean that you can’t get a tattoo and feel good about your skin. However, before getting a tattoo with eczema, it is important that you consider choosing the right tattoo artist, the right kind of tattoo ink, and the right time when you are not experiencing an eczema flare-up.

After getting the tattoo, you must take proper care of your eczema-prone skin to avoid any complications and prevent future flare-ups by keeping the skin clean and moisturized.


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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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Can you have a tattoo if you have eczema?

Yes, you can get a tattoo if you have eczema. However, make sure that you are not experiencing a flare-up at that time. You will also need to choose a tattoo artist who is licensed and experienced with eczema and tattoos. And take extra good care of your skin after getting the tattoo.

Can tattoos cause dermatitis?

Yes, getting a tattoo can also sometimes give you dermatitis as well. Especially if your skin is allergic and reacts toward tattoo ink, artist gloves, or the needle on the tattoo machine, it can cause allergic contact dermatitis.

What happens if you have eczema and get a tattoo?

The first thing is that no tattoo artist will agree to tattoo a skin that is experiencing severe rash and lesions. They will suggest you consult your dermatologist or come back when the condition gets better.
And if by chance you get a tattoo during an eczema flare up, it will only make your condition worse and lead to other severe complications that can be hard for you to deal with and could even be life-threatening.

Can tattoo ink affect eczema?

Yes, if the right ink is not used on your eczema-prone sensitive skin then it can trigger an eczema flare-up, cause allergic contact dermatitis, or lead to skin infections.

Should I tell my tattoo artist if I have eczema?

It is essential that you communicate with your tattoo artist if you have eczema so that they will choose the right type of ink and tools to prevent any complications and recommend the right treatment creams for faster healing.

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