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Is Eczema A Sign of A Weak Immune System?

Is Eczema A Sign Of A Weak Immune System?

Eczema’s facets are still a mystery, even to the experts. What causes it the most? Why does the body overreact to our everyday environment? And the biggest worry for Eczema patients Is whether it is a sign of a weak immune system.

Eczema is linked to the immune system and the body’s response to irritants. These everyday irritants are frustratingly common in daily life — ranging from heat to cold to wind or soap, dander, and even stress. Another interesting immunological tie is that people with Eczema also tend to have 

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Or a family history

Allergies and asthma are known examples of an overactive immune system. However, an overactive immune system is different from a weak one. What does it mean? Is this your skin that is lacking the essential nutrients? Or shall we say… “It needs high maintenance”!

Why do I always get infections if my immune system isn’t weak?

With the most common type of eczema – Atopic Dermatitis – your skin barrier is off-balance and/or damaged, requiring extra care to stay hydrated and healthy. Without the extra TLC eczema demands, a broken skin barrier will develop rough, dry patches, cause itching and discomfort, and ultimately – let in germs.

Once the germs have penetrated your broken skin barrier, you suffer infections and will likely need antibiotics. Your doctor may also prescribe creams and ointments with corticosteroids to ease inflammation. Keeping a gentle body wash for eczema at home can also be helpful.

So, back to that weakened immune system question. Yes, the stress brought on by powerful eczema flare-ups can stress your immune system, which is one more reason why people think eczema equals a weakened immune system. 

It’s important to remember that stress will lower one’s defenses. The good news is that the key to preventing most flare-ups and infections is a healthy skin regimen – entirely in your hands.

To calm your taxed immune system and relieve red, angry, itchy skin – or better yet, to prevent flare-ups, using an eczema relief cream is an easy yet essential step. You’ll have to select a cream formulated without fragrances or harsh ingredients, especially for 

  • Eczema
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Sensitive skin

That is why most parents prioritize using Dr. Eddie’s Eczema Cream for Babies for their babies, as it does not contain harmful or harsh ingredients that may affect the soft skin of babies. Those famous, heavily fragranced lotions in most people’s bathrooms and bedsides are a big no-no for you.

Store shelves are full of pure formulas and assorted options for consumers, so as you look for products to keep your skin comfortable and balanced, don’t be fooled into thinking a baby product won’t be strong enough. After all, skin with eczema demands to be “babied.” And a little extra tender-loving skincare is precisely what the doctor ordered.

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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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