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Ringworm vs Eczema: What are the Differences?

Ringworm Vs Eczema

Tinea corporis, more commonly known as ringworm, isn’t a condition parents look forward to facing with their children. Even the mildest cases can take weeks to treat – or even months if  the infection is severe – and it can spread rapidly to other family members if it goes untreated.

As if the idea of facing ringworm wasn’t enough, you also have to worry about determining whether you’re dealing with a case of tinea corporis or nummular eczema. Both conditions can be bothersome and overwhelming at the forefront, but are thankfully manageable and treatable with time.

Nummular Eczema vs Ringworm

The most substantial difference between ringworm vs nummular eczema is that one is a fungal infection. The Cleveland Clinic describes ringworm as a contagious skin infection as the result of a fungus, while nummular eczema is a bad case of dry skin.

As opposed to a typical case of eczema, that occurs in typical areas of the body at typical ages nummular eczema can appear in just one or several areas of the body.

One of the main reasons parents tend to get ringworm confused with eczema is because, when the case is nummular, it looks almost identical to ringworm. This is when coin-shaped rashes appear on the skin similar to ringworm or atopic dermatitis.

“People oftentimes think that eczema in children is ringworm, put ringworm treatment on it for months, and then come in and are confused as to why it’s not getting any better,” Dr. Eddie Valenzuela shared. “That’s because it’s actually eczema, not ringworm. It can be very hard to understand the difference on the surface.”

Ringworm has a central clearing and a raised scaling border. If you treat it with steroid cream, it’ll appear better, but will continue to grow. This will cause a deep-seated fungal infection that can be problematic.

Eczema vs Psoriasis vs Ringworm

Nummular eczema is also known as discoid eczema or discoid dermatitis. In comparing discoid eczema vs ringworm, it’s also important to touch on psoriasis. Here are the main symptoms to look out for in all three conditions:

  • Symptoms of ringworm: Ring-shaped rashes, itchy skin, red and cracked scales
  • Symptoms of psoriasis: Patchy rashes that range in shades of purple, small scaling spots, cracked skin, and discomfort like soreness, itching and burning. Oftentimes times has white scale.
  • Symptoms of eczema: Dry, cracked skin with small raised bumps that may ooze upon scratching

Finding the Best Treatment for Infant Ringworm vs Eczema

Ringworm Vs Eczema

It can be difficult to determine the differences between discoid eczema and ringworm, as each person reacts differently to these skin conditions. Both can cause itchy, scaling skin and rashes, so it’s important to consult your primary care doctor or pediatrician for the best treatment option.

If you’ve determined that you’re dealing with eczema over ringworm, and you’re ready to restore and protect the skin on the affected areas of the body, try Dr. Eddie’s Happy Cappy Moisturizing Cream. Pediatrician-tested and admired, this hydrating solution is designed for soothing dry, itchy, irritated, sensitive eczema-prone skin in both children and adults.

For best results, wash your baby with Happy Cappy Daily Shampoo & Body Wash and reap the benefits of smooth, hydrated skin and hair, as well as scalp relief.

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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

More about Dr. Eddie.
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