Everything You Must Know About Itchy Skin Rash

Itchy Skin Rash

Your skin is like a shield that protects your body from harmful germs and bacteria. But as our immune system tries to protect the body and skin against these threats, it may cause some itchy skin rashes to appear. This can be in the form of a mild irritation or can be a severe eczema flareup. Itchy rashes on the skin can be both uncomfortable and distressing. 

In this blog, we will guide you on why these irritating, itchy rashes appear, which common skin conditions are associated with them, and provide you with the most effective treatment options. So you can get your itch-free skin back!

What Is A Skin Rash?

Our body’s immune system contains several cell types that are responsible for protecting our skin and body against any harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, irritants, and allergens. Whenever these threats try to enter your body or the skin comes in contact with them, these cells trigger a reaction that leads to inflammation. This reaction is commonly known as a rash. In medical terms, it is known as dermatitis. 

When a skin rash appears the skin becomes red, dry, inflamed, irritated, and itchy. In severe cases, blisters and welts may form on the skin and the rashes may become painful. There are several factors that may be causing an itchy rash such as allergens, bacteria, and skin conditions like eczema and rosacea. 

What Causes Itchy Rash On Skin?

Itchy skin rashes are believed to be a reaction of the body against harmful substances. Some of the most common causes of itchy rashes on the skin are

  • Allergens
  • Irritants
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Infections (bacterial, fungal, and viral)
  • Reactions to medications

Symptoms Of Itchy Rashes

The symptoms of skin rashes may vary depending on their type, cause, and severity. Sometimes the itchy rash may appear in one area of the body but sometimes it can also develop all over the body. Some of the most common symptoms that are visible all types of rashes are

Types Of Itchy Skin Rashes

There are various types of itchy skin rashes caused by different factors, some of the most common ones are mentioned below.

1. Eczema

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition. That can cause the skin to become red, dry, irritated, and itchy. The itchy rashes on the skin may appear as red in people with lighter skin tones and in darker skin tones it may appear as purple or brown. The most common type of eczema is ‘Atopic Dermatitis’. 

The most common places on the body that are affected by eczema are inside and outside of the knees, elbows, face, eyelids, hands, wrists, and ankles. It is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors like genetics, stress, and allergens. These factors cause the skin’s natural barrier to weaken, which is why the skin is unable to retain moisture in it and becomes dry. The skin also becomes prone to rashes and infections. 

Eczema is more common in people who have a family history of asthma, eczema, and allergies. Eczema can affect people of all ages. In some cases, it may resolve but in most cases, it persists and can show up again and again as eczema flare-ups. These flare-ups are usually triggered by changes in weather, stress, and allergens.

2. Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is another common type of eczema. It is divided into two main categories. Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). Both types are caused when the skin comes in contact with anything that might not be harmful for the skin but your immune system considers it dangerous and causes a reaction. This reaction causes itchy red skin rashes. 


With allergic contact dermatitis, the skin comes in contact with something you become allergic to such as nickel, metals, or poison ivy. The body then becomes sensitized, and when re-exposed to that same allergen the immune system releases a certain type of T-cells that causes the itchy bumps on the skin to appear–often days later. This sensitization is an important factor that distinguishes allergic contact dermatitis with irritant contact dermatitis.

With irritant contact dermatitis, the skin becomes irritated due to certain irritants upon contact, these can be the chemicals used in beauty products, detergents, and soaps. 

This irritation causes inflammation and intense itching on the skin. 

3. Hives

Hives also known as urticaria, can cause bumps and blisters to appear on the skin and make it red and itchy. There are several triggers that can cause hives such as allergens, extreme temperatures, food, insect bites, and medication. 

When the skin experiences any of these triggers the body’s immune system releases histamines. Your skin’s response to these histamines causes skin rashes that itch. Researchers believe that genetics also plays an important role in the development of hives. People who are more prone to asthma, allergies, and eczema are more likely to develop hives. 

4. Psoriasis

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, more than 3% of the adult population in America suffers from psoriasis. It is a chronic skin condition that causes thick scaly patches on the skin. It is believed to be caused by an overactive immune system. With psoriasis the dead skin cells instead of shedding like in dandruff, gather and stick to the skin which causes the scales. 

Psoriasis is often confused with seborrheic dermatitis due to its scaly patches. While seborrheic dermatitis usually appears on the scalp, psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body but mostly on elbows, back, and knees. 

On darker skin tones the rashes may appear as purple or brownish and the scales may appear as grey. However, on lighter skin tones the skin rash may appear as red or pink and the scales as white and silvery. 

5. Drug Rash

Drug rash appears when your body or skin reacts to certain drugs or medications. You may have noticed on the “Drug Facts” label that if any reaction occurs to discontinue the use or contact a doctor. This is because everybody is different, and may react differently to certain medications. Some people may experience no side effects to the use of medication while others may experience swelling, itching, blisters, and rashes to appear on their skin. 

These itchy rashes can be caused by the use of antibiotics and water pills for example. The rash may appear immediately after the use of the drug or may be visible after a few hours. The color of these rashes varies depending on the skin color, in darker skin tones it appears as purple, and in lighter skin tones it is pink or red. The rash usually gets better once you stop taking the drug. But if you are experiencing severe reactions it is advised to consult a healthcare provider. 

6. Heat Rash

Heat rash also known as miliaria, is your skin’s reaction towards extreme hot and humid weather. The most common type of heat rash is prickly heat rash. 

In hot weather, the sweat ducts on the skin get blocked which causes the sweat to remain under the skin. In reaction it causes tiny bumps to appear on the skin. These bumps cause an itching and stinging sensation. When exposed to heat and sweat these bumps become more irritated. They may appear as clusters of tiny red bumps on lighter skin tones and white or brown on darker skin tones. 

Heat rash usually disappears within a few days when the skin cools down. But if you notice that the condition is getting worse or the bumps have started to ooze, consult a doctor so they can provide you with the best treatment options.

7. Intertrigo

Intertrigo is inflammation caused on the skin due to friction. It is usually caused by skin-to-skin friction. It is also known as skin fold rash, as it mostly appears in those parts of the body that are moist, and warm and have folds such as the groin, under the arms, folds of the abdomen, and among the toes. 

The skin affected by intertrigo becomes irritated, itchy, painful, and sensitive. In severe cases oozing sores may also appear. It usually disappears within a few days once the affected area is kept clean and dry. But if an infection is developing then consult a doctor they may prescribe medication and ointment to heal the area. 

8. Ringworm

Ringworm, medically known as tinea corporis, is a contagious skin infection which is caused by fungus. It may spread when one comes in contact with a person or animal that is already infected. 

It appears as ring-shaped rashes on the skin that are itchy, red, and scaly. It gets its name ringworm due to its circular shape. It may appear as a single circle on the skin or as several overlapping circular rashes on skin. It is often confused with nummular eczema due to its circular coin-shaped appearance. 

The center of the rash may be clear while the raised scaling border can grow and spread. It is essential to consult a doctor and find a treatment for ringworm as it can cause deep-seated fungal infection which can lead to other problems. The doctor may prescribe antifungal cream or medications. 

9. Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic condition that causes visible blood vessels, redness, flushing, and stinging sensation on the skin. In some cases, it may also cause pimples, blisters, and bumps to appear on the skin. 

Common triggers such as spicy food, extreme temperature, ultraviolet rays, exercise, and stress can cause occasional rosacea flare-ups. These flare-ups are caused due to the increase in the blood flow to the skin. It usually appears on the face, on the nose, forehead, and cheeks, and on the ears, chest, and back. 

11. Shingles

Shingles also known as herpes zoster is an itchy skin rash that is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. People who have experienced chickenpox before are at more risk of developing shingles. 

It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus that becomes inactive once you have experienced chickenpox. However, it may become reactive after several years and cause painful rashes and fluid-filled blisters on the skin. Just like chickenpox, these blisters are covered with crust. And soon these crusts fall off the skin. Unfortunately, itching and pain may still continue after the crusts fall off.  

12. Athlete’s Foot

Athelet’s foot is a fungal skin rash that appears on the foot as red, scaly, and itchy rashes. It can also cause the skin of the foot to peel. It is caused by a fungus that is usually present on the gym floor, indoor pools, and gym mats. 

This fungal infection is contagious and can spread to others, especially in warm, wet, communal places. It can cause extremely itchy rashes that become even worse when enclosed in shoes and socks. Mild cases of these rashes can be treated with OTC anti-fungal creams but for severe cases, it is essential to consult a dermatologist. 

When To Call A Doctor

Some rashes are mild and can be easily treated at home. However, it is essential that you know what is causing the rash and its severity to provide accurate treatment for it. Some itchy skin rashes are difficult to diagnose and the wrong treatment may cause harm to your body and skin. If you are unsure about what is causing your rash it is best to consult a doctor. 

If your rash appears to be infected, is swollen, oozing pus, starts spreading to other parts of the body, blisters and open sores are forming, or is accompanied by fever and illness it is crucial to contact a doctor. So they can diagnose your skin rash and provide a proper treatment plan.

How To Get Rid Of Skin Rash

The treatment for rashes on the skin that itch depends on the causes, type, and severity of the rash. Some types of rashes may need customized treatment plans from the doctor; others can be easily managed with the help of OTC products. By following a few simple steps you can easily manage mild cases of itchy rashes. 

  • Clean the affected area with a gentle mild cleanser. Cleansers that do not contain harsh chemicals are fragrance-free, paraben-free, sulfate-free, and hypoallergenic like Happy Cappy Daily Shampoo And Body Wash is best for itchy, irritated, sensitive skin. 
  • Using lukewarm or cool water to take a shower and bath instead of hot water can protect the skin from becoming dry and itchy. 
  • If you are experiencing eczema skin rash then moisturizing should be an essential part of life. Moisturize your skin at least twice daily with an eczema cream that is specially formulated to ease the itching, redness, and dryness associated with eczema. 
  • Wear loose-fitting and light fabric clothes, to keep the skin from becoming sweaty and irritated. 
  • Discontinue the use of any new medications as these might be causing the rash, or consult a doctor to know more about drug rashes. 
  • Avoid any irritants and allergens that may be causing the rash. 
  • Use skincare products that contain fewer chemicals and fragrances. 

If you are unsure about what might be causing the rash or if the condition is getting worse contact a doctor who may prescribe hydrocortisone cream, antihistamine medications, topical steroids, and antifungal creams to help you relieve that itchy red skin rash.


Itchy skin rashes are usually caused by a reaction of the skin to certain allergens, and irritants and due to certain skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. In order to find the treatment for a skin rash it is important to first diagnose the cause of the rash. If you are unsure about what is causing the rash consult a doctor. Mild cases of itchy rashes can be easily treated with non-prescription products, others may need the use of medications.

If that itchy eczema rash is causing you distress try Happy Cappy Two-Step Eczema Skincare Routine today! To soothe and smoothe that itchy, irritated, skin. 


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Dr. Eddie Valenzuela is an award winning pediatrician and the founder and CEO of Pediatric Solutions, LLC.

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What is the most common type of itchy skin rash?

Eczema is considered the most common type of itchy rash. As itching, redness, and inflammation are its prominent symptoms. It affects around 31 million Americans. These rashes appear as red on lighter skin tones and purple on darker skin tones.

How to stop itching on the skin?

Itching can be very irritating, but there are a few things you can do to relieve it
1. Don’t scratch as it can cause more itching.
2. Keep the affected area clean with a gentle cleanser.
3. Keep the skin moisturized at least twice daily.
4. Avoid certain allergens and irritants that may be causing the itch.
5. Manage stress and anxiety as it can make the itching worse.
6. Use anti-itching creams after consulting a doctor.

Can stress cause intense itching?

Stress may alone not cause the itching, but it can trigger excessive and intense itching. This type of itching is known as psychogenic itching.

How to diagnose my Itchy skin rash?

The skin rash can be diagnosed by its symptoms and appearance. Some rashes are tricky to diagnose and may look similar to other skin conditions. In that case, it is best to consult a doctor as they may prescribe a skin biopsy or patch testing to diagnose the cause of your itching.

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